Sunday, December 28, 2008
After the holidays
The festivities continue, albeit more low-key, as we continue to connect with friends and family this week. E and I are thrilled to have another week of vacation. This is the first time in years that he hasn't had papers to grade. It has been very nice to just relax together. E and I are the types that love to just cozy up at home after P has gone to bed with some conversation and a loaded Tivo. We are getting together with two other families on New Year's Eve for an overnight 'family friendly' party at a friend's house, and are looking forward to that.
One thing I like after the holidays is the anticipation of a new year and a new beginning. Like many, I always think about how I could be healthier. It's fun to think and make plans, even if my goals are a bit more lofty than realistic. I've been inspired by the yoga store Lululemon - extremely pricey - but has a neat goal-oriented focus. The store is filled with 'goal sheets' and misson statements by all the employees re: where they want to be in 1, 5, and 10 years. I always like to dream and plan. Some things on my list include preparing healthier meals in a fun way (need to get more specific) and leaving work earlier to include time for outside active time/play/ workouts with Miss P in the afternoon. We are currently trying to teach her how to ride a bike (with training wheels). She can do it, but is not very motivated. We're trying to get her over the intial learning curve - I know she'll enjoy it once she has some confidence...I'd also like to do more yoga and maybe train for a short race.
Finally, I think I'd like to start planning more get-togethers. We tend to get busy accepting invitations to do things with various different groups of people, and then run out of time to do much reciprocation. (It also sometimes seems overwhelming - like we have to go all out and/or spend a lot of money.) I'd like to do more frequent, simple small parties.
What are your thoughts for 2009?
Monday, December 22, 2008
Guitar Hero

OK, I'm going to toot my horn and share a few things I'm proud of from the past few weeks...
~We have managed to really teach P the point of the Christmas. She has been talking about Jesus fairly often, and her goal to be like him. She gets that Christmas is Jesus' birthday and a celebration of God's love for us.
~We've been working on giving. P used her piggy bank money to buy a gift from the giving tree. We also dropped off some icognito treats.
~ I created 'Gratitude Boxes' for the teachers at P's preschool. I got the idea from an Oprah episode on simple, meaningful gifts. I printed out 'thank you note' templates from her website on cardstock and included them with a note explaining the project in the 'sign-in/sign-out' book. Parents put the completed notes in a box in the office. Then, at the holiday party I snagged parents as they arrived and ended up with several more notes that shared what parents and/or kids appreciated about the particular teachers. I then sorted the notes into boxes I had purchased from Target and added bows and nametags. I almost didn't do it, and I've been kind of pressed for time. I'm so glad I did though. So often I have a great idea, but then not the time or follow through to actually do it the way I envision. I got a call this morning from one of the teachers thanking me - I was so glad it meant something to her.
~I've done some beautiful wrapping this year! Wish I had a picture. Cards were mailed early, and shopping is nearly done. And we've stayed close to our budget.
I am out tonight with some girlfriends for a quick mom's night out. Then we are out every other night this week at some celebration. Today is supposed to be a day of cleaning and catch up; there has been some of that, but a lot of relaxing too. Since that can be tough for me, I'm kind of proud of that too!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
We hit Star*ucks, breakfasted, and perused the Black Friday sale ads. P has me so entertained lately with her musings and questions. Today: "Why do the baristas shout the drinks when they are ready?" We headed back home in time for the Macy*s parade. I really enjoy it every year - especially the musicals. To keep P engaged, as she does not share the same affection for the morning chatter and balloons on TV, I found an 'alphabet sticker workbook' -- which had been hiding for a year in the coloring books tub. I'll be darned, but she actually likes it, and clamored to do 4 pages.
In a bit, I'll start my last two dozen apple dumplings for later today. We are due to see the in-laws in about three hours. I'm looking forward to connecting with family and am hoping to get everyone organized for a game of charades. (Or possibly to leave the babes later on at home with the grands, and head out with the sibs to see Four Christmases. We'll see!)
Tomorrow I'll be heading out to Tarjay early for Black Friday. After that, we may head to the park, maybe hook up with my mom or friends for lunch or dinner, and see a holiday flick.
I spoke to my mom this morning and she said she feels more in the spirit than usual, and she thinks its something to do with emphasis on meaning this holiday, instead of materialism. How's that for a silver lining in these economic times? Have a wonderful holiday!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Relationship Building
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Holiday Card 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Not the best Haiku, but.....
Turning off my mind
Magazines and TV - aahhhh
Sunday, November 16, 2008
What I'll definitely be doing this December

Is it just me, or can preparing for the holidays almost feel like planning a small wedding each year?
I'm not really complaining. I actually love to plan, organize and take part in all of the festivities. I do think, though, that Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate in December) can be more enjoyable if you focus and savor the joys of just a few things, as opposed to doing everything. I read an article on simplifying Christmas last year that suggested determining what 3-5 things were most important to you and your family at holiday time, and doing just that.
Here are my must do's for making the holiday season special (some of them may seem a little silly or superficial, but, hey this is me!):
1) Christmas Music: I love Christmas movies. The ABC Family channel plays original cheesy Christmas movies each year that I typically eat up with a spoon and some hot chocolate. Sometimes, though, it feels a little forced. Like - 'Oh! It's December, better pull out the Christmas movies for the mandatory viewings.' That's not the case with my holiday songs. I love them so much that they are always at the top of my itunes 'most played list' -- even though I only listen for a month each year.
2) Christmas Cards: We missed sending out cards in '05, and I was sorely disappointed. I adore receiving cards, especially the 'family photo' style cards almost everyone does now. I even love getting the 'holiday letter' some people do. I have started saving my cards and putting them in a little scrapbook, which I occasionally look at.
3) Get-togethers with special family and friends: My school has a little holiday shindig (potluck at someone's house of course), and some of E's friends from high school throw a big party that is kind of like a reuinion every December. Both of these events are nice, but I could truthfully miss them and be OK. (One year, we were so starved for a date, that we did miss my school party and went to see 'The Holiday' with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz - which is now one of my favorite movies of all time, btw.) However, there are a few get-togethers that are really special to me. I have a few friends that I got my teaching credential with. Two of them teach in my district and are married with their own families now. We have a very special friendship and I really relish our annual little Christmas celebration. One has a son Miss P's age and I have a great pic from their first Christmas with the two of them in little red suits clawing at each other, while I laugh hysterically in the background.
It also wouldn't feel like Christmas without my aunt and uncle's party. Growing up, my family spent all its holidays with the relatives on my dad's side - we're talking every special day. As everyone has grown, changed, moved and branched out, that is not the case anymore. However, we still make it to my aunt and uncle's party which is now the weekend before Christmas each year. Spending time with the family I grew up with really says Christmas to me!
4) Special clothes: During these special get-togethers it's important that I (and Miss P) have something special to wear. Not necessarily fancy, just (subtle) festive, cute and appropriate.
5) Church and the true meaning. Finally, attending mass on Christmas Eve is a must-do (as well as pretty much every Sunday). As Miss P gets older (and now attends religious education), I have been really enjoying teaching her about the true meaning of holidays, and Christmas is a big one! Something new I'd like to add to this vein, is a way to give back to the community. We've done different things in the past. I've been talking to E and Miss P about this and I have a few ideas that I will be posting later.
What's on your list?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thanksgiving Fun - Getting in the spirit

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Fun and Games, or How to be the Life of Your Next Party
I love games. I'm the person who loves activities at showers and even makes parents (sometimes) play ice-breakers at Back to School Night. Oh, people good naturedly moan and groan at first, but, wouldn't you know - everyone is smiling and laughing and having fun in spite of themself within just a bit. I've always wanted to partake in a good old fashioned game of charades, and so last night was the night. The theme was movies and - thank God - I got the easy ones! (Top Gun, A fish called Wanda, Striptease, Full Metal Jacket, to name a few). We did girls against guys and then a 'couples speed round.' Too fun!
I got to thinking about some other games I've enjoyed and thought I'd share. I recommend this game on Thanksgiving while you are letting the turkey digest.
"Consequences." A friend from England taught me this game, and it is E's family's favorite. (some people have recipes, I have entertainment!) You need at least 6 people with a writing tool and piece of paper each. One person gives the 'writing prompts' and everyone passes their paper to the right. Here is how it goes:
1) Write down the name of a woman - someone everyone in the group knows. She can be famous or just familiar. Underneath her name, write the word 'met.' (Then pass to the right)
2) Write a man's name (same directions as with the woman). Underneath his name, write the word 'at.' (pass)
3) Write a place. Underneath write, 'He said to her.' (pass)
4) Write 'a saying.' Underneath that, write, 'She said to him.' (pass)
5) Write another saying. Underneath that, write, 'As a consequence....' (pass)
6) Write a consequence! (pass)
7) One at a time, each person reads their papers out loud.
This is great fun! After one round, each group will 'get it' and find a humor that fits them - from silly to 'R' rated. Great way to bring people together!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Hooray for girlfriends!

Anyway, after I hung up, we quickly showered, dressed and grabbed some scones to contribute to the breakfast feast and finally made it by 9:00 a.m. The photo above shows Miss P with her friend M (A's #2 son - and exactly Miss P's age and 'lifelong friend.') Photo was not taken today but shows their bond! Anyway, A's #3 son was sleeping, so we had a relaxing breakfast of banana pancakes, bacon, scones and fruit. This girl rocks - let me tell you. A very rare friend - always generous, gracious, thoughtful, positive, and makes everyone feel comfortable.
Afterward we head to the Discovery Museum and then grocery-shopped. The day had a good balance of fun, together time, and getting things done.
I adore E and Miss P and they are my favorites to spend a day with, but there is just nothing like girlfriends! I have some of the greatest!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
No room for error!
I have not posted since Halloween as I've been trying to prioritze....I've been bellyaching about stuff that needs to get done, and I finally decided to do something about it! On Saturday (November 1st) we did a major cleaning blitz at home. Our 'secret' to a tidy house: Keep the visitor-trafficked areas (living/dining room, kitchen, guest bathroom, Miss P's room) respectable, while ignoring (not quite) the rest. I decided I didn't want to sleep with the paper shredder next to my bed anymore, so we kicked it's silver metal body out of the room along with E's bobblehead collection. (Bobblehead collection had been waiting in an oh-so-attractive brown box lid, along with a collage frame needing updated photos and a Giants poster. The collection of items had been waiting -- who knows how long -- to make a new home in E's classroom on some mystical future day. I intervened and 'arranged' for the box to move to E's car - unsure if bobbleheads have reached their destination yet.)
Anyway, when I figured out all the things I should be doing to stay on top of the multiple areas of my life at the level I would like to - home (and all that entails) and work (with a partner teacher, student teacher, and twenty families to answer to) - it's a bit daunting. I 'masquerade' as part-time, but it often feels like I'm trying to squeeze full-time work into three days. That's why sometimes it feels like there is no room for error. If I get off schedule, there seems to be a domino effect....and I have one child, and two days off a week! I am in admiration of moms who have mulitple children and full time jobs. (Secrets, anyone?)
When it is good, it is exhilerating to have such full and stimulating days. Other times it can feel a little overwhelming.
I am (trying) to read Quantum Wellness by Kathy Freston. It talks about visualizing what you want, setting an intention, educating yourself about the changes you'd like to make, and then letting yourself shift naturally. I'm only on page 13, but it is resonating with me. Although I was talking about organization and workload above, I do think that is connected to health and wellness, as this book is about health from a mind, body, and spirit perspective.
So, I will find time to do more frequent and likely shorter posts, while forging ahead on what I need to get done. What I know for sure: it is all about how you look at it. Attitude is the key. Because life is what you make it!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!

E has the day off and we have a few errands, the preschool party, maybe lunch out, and then some rest time (Peanut's Halloween?), before a wedding tonight. We are excited for Miss P's flower girl debut...
What are you doing today??
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Musings of the week...

Friday, October 24, 2008
The cupcake!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Somebody get me a collar and fast

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hooray for Halloween

Saturday, October 18, 2008
On my own time

I was fortunate to have the weekend away! Last night, as I snuck in a bit of computer time as Miss P readied for bed and E was doing somethingorother, he announced to me that I needed to hop off the computer to assist her and return 'on my own time.' Just to confirm, I asked him, 'when is my own time?' Response: 'Early in the morning before P and I are awake.' Just checking. Guess what, I hauled my happy arse up extra early this a.m. with visions of coffee, my tivo'd Starter Wife, and computer in my head. Within 15ish minutes the telltale patter of little feet exuberantly greeted me. As soon as my feet hit the floor, an alarm sounds in her room saying it's 'go time' for her. So now she is Dragon Tale-ing it up. Love, love love the fam. Love my own time. : )
(Have to add: He's really a great guy! And I have nothing to complain about, I'll be meeting a friend for lunch today to celebrate her birthday)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
"You like really like me..."

Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. After some coffee, yes.
2. Must love one another. This is true about me. I even like people who are a little iffy about me. Drive E crazy with always sticking up for the other person (i.e., "No, no, really. I know she basically trashed me, but I think it was just a bad day.")
3. Must make mistakes. You bet!
4. Must learn from others. Ditto.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world. Workin' on it.
6. Must love life. Every day.
7. Must love kids. Have I mentioned I teach kindergarten?
These are the rules for the Smile Award:
1. The recipient must link backto the awards creator. yes!
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award. got it!
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself. easy.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award. think so.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient. my pleasure.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others. done.
7. You must thank your giver. and done.
The five people that I choose to keep this award going are the following:
(I noticed some of them recently received it. However, I wanted to keep the list I had in my head, upon originally receiving the award last week.)
3 Peanuts : Such a gracious, stylish and intelligent mom of three! A lot of class on that blog!
Happy Homemaker: Her blog is private and I was so happy to be able to keep reading. Love hearing about the special relationship she has with her daughter. She is a great mom to both of her kids, and seems like a really fun person.
Biscuits are NEVER Boring : Very creative lady who throws the best parties. Have saved her descriptions of birthday celebrations (following clues around the house to find all the gifts) and admire all of her school and church volunteer efforts.
my happy little life : Amazing writer who speaks passionately about things that matter.
One Fabulous Mom :Very fun and savvy gal with an innovative style. Speaks her mind and really works to connect with her readers.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
By the Numbers

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Girls' Weekend!

This year we tried something different - an Autumn wine tasting weekend. One of our ultra-organized gals had the idea to jaunt off to a sleepy town about an hour northeast. Livermore has a growing quaint-ish downtown and at least half a dozen wineries, but not much else. We nabbed a two bedroom suite for the six of us at a dirt cheap price, making it hard to say no. With dads and kids set up with food and plans, we made our getaway at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. By noon we were picnicing and tasting at our first winery. Oh, it was heaven - the best medicine for stress. Although, I had been trying to not succumb, I had been feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything going on in the world. Even though, we are not yet directly affected by the financial crisis, I find the 'worry' about it contagious. That, along with a host of other concerns that made me feel a bit overwhelmed, had been wearing on me. Yet, as we talked and clinked glasses, I had such a feeling of empowerment. I felt ready to go back and tackle everything! Meanwhile, I tried to take in all the fun of the moment. We hit three really different, eclectic and lively wineries, sat in the hot tub, chatted tons, had a very nice dinner, and capped off the evening with a viewing of Sex in the C*ity in our apartment-type hotel room. Today we breakfasted, shopped, and lunched before heading home.
We are already in discussions for the next getway. I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to escape again, but it will happen eventually!Friday, October 10, 2008
Yay for me!

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Today, we are talking about...
1) Best Self Journal: Get yourself a pretty journal, a pen, something delicious to drink and steal about a half an hour. Now, imagine your life one year from now. Pretend everything you have hoped and worked for has happened. Describe in detail what life is like. Try repeating the same exercise but making it five years from now. How about 10 years from now? The objective is to first help you figure out some commonalities; what is it you really want in life? Second, it can help you to build optimism. What I found worked is to really shoot for the stars, yet still keep somewhat within reason (i.e., I didn't win the lottery or move into my dream house. I did feel healthier and had better self esteem). Through this exercise, you can really start to see that a lot of what you want is reachable. The idea is to repeat it regularly, and slowly you'll find your life evolving to meet the ideals you are writing about.
I actually did this excercise with a group of friends and it was really fun!
2) Board of Directors: When you are feeling a bit low, or not very confident, you might try this strategy. Think of a couple of people you really admire. People you trust, respect and feel comfortable with. It can be your mom, grandma, or a celebrity. (Mine are Oprah and a friend who is really supportive and amazing). Next, picture a favorite place (mine always involves a couch and steaming mugs of something, but the details - wraparound porch, beach, in front of the fireplace - vary.) When you need a little lift or some guidance, imagine yourself in that comfy place with your very own 'board of directors.' Imagine what you'd say, and then the helpful, uplifting way they might respond. (Of course, talking to real friends is ideal, this is just another option to try.)
Tomorrow, I will post about savoring life's joys, with a focus on my favorite things!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A shout out for gratitude
Here are a couple of quick ideas:
1) Think of someone you really appreciate. Maybe it's a parent or in-law who is readily available to help with your children. Or a friend who is a good listener. Someone who inspired or taught you something. Take a few minutes and write that person a letter detailing what he or she did for you and how it has affected you. You will find pleasure both in your own description, and in the pleasure you know the other person will feel when reading it. (You might also consider reading it out loud.)
2) Play the gratitude game with your child. Very simple, passes the time while driving, waiting in line, etc., And once again, models an important practice. Simply take turns sharing back and forth things you are thankful for. (With really young children you might be doing most of the sharing. Eventually they will get the idea!) Consider child-friendly ideas, such as 'I'm thankful for tonight's yummy dinner,' or even, 'I'm thankful for pizza!' Another plus of the gratitude game is that it is just a great conversation starter. And, a way for you to learn more about your child and how he or she thinks.
These are just two ideas. Anyone have another? Share!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Well Being Week continues....
Happiness Tip #2: Yesterday, we talked about setting our intentions. Here is a way to help that positive intention grow. Let's say your intention is to feel more joyful. Throughout the day, make a game of noticing things that bring you joy, whether it is that first sip of coffee, falling yellow leaves, the color of the sky, children's laughter, a great book, or a hello from a friend. See if you can count 10 joyful moments in an hour. Like setting intentions, this could be a game to enjoy with your children. What a wonderful practice to share with them! The fantastic thing is, this intention flicks on the reticular activating system (RAS) in your brain, which is responsible for turning on your memory system. Meaning the more you do it, the more automatic and effortless it will be to find the joy.
Let me know if you try it!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Feel the Joy, Day 1

Friday, October 3, 2008
Tricks up my sleeve...
(This is said to give the impression that on other nights I make something more time consuming. I do not.) Anyway, they were delish! Miss P does not care for most foods outside her general rotation however. How did we get her to the table? Offer bribes? No. Threaten punishments? No. Demand? No. Here's what I did:
Me (sitting at the table across from E, while Miss P plays in her room, 'not hungry'): "Hey daddy let's play a game!"
E: "Yeah, sounds fun. What?"
Me (loud voice): "Diamond Castle girls! I'll be Liana, with the dark hair, you be Alexa with the light hair!"
Miss P (horrified voice, from the other room): "Liana has the LIGHT HAIR mommy! Alexa has the DARK HAIR!"
Me (to E): "Look, here are some heart shaped stones, Alexa. We could make special necklaces."
Me (Stage whisper to E): "Best friends, today, tomorrow, and forever."
E (repeats in loud voice): "Best friends today, tomorrow, and forever."
Miss P (shrieking): Best friends today, tomorrow, and ALWAYS daddy!
Miss P runs to join the table and continues to further explain and act out the intricacies of Diamond Castle (finally eating the nachos)
Her verdict on the dinner: "I love it."
And that's why I get paid the big kisses and hugs.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Getting Organized
We started by walking the house and making note of the toy-lined playroom floor and unmade beds. Then we sat down for a chat. First, I told little miss P that we can not live in clutter canyon and that we need desperately to get back on a schedule. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I work and P spends most of the day at preschool, so we really only have two days to try and squeeze in fun, quality time, and home chores.
I grabbed a sheet of paper and divided it into 4 sections: Things P wants to do, Things mom wants to do, Things we both want to do together, and Things we don't like to do, but need to do. Here's how it turned out:
Things P wants to do:
*Play dolls
*Browse at Target (not any store, mind you, Target)
*Watch a movie
Things mom wants to do:
*Go to Starbucks
Things we want to do together
*Outings/dates to the Discovery Museum, library, etc.
*Playdates with friends
*Crafts, baking, stories at home
*Singing and dancing
Things we need to do, but may not want to do
*Grocery shop
*Prepare 3 healthy meals a day
*Clean up after ourselves throughout the day (no major labor, we're talking making beds in the a.m., taking care of dishes after each meal, putting away toys after playing with them)
*Swimming lessons (this is not a hard sell, just time-consuming)
What I loved most about this discussion was P's participation. She sat and listenend attentively, made great contributions to the talk, and seemed to really 'get it.' Once we finished, I let her go and play while I then scheduled out the tasks into the two days, keeping in mind a mix of activities and a host of other considerations. (I will now be getting up an hour earlier.) I'm really excited for Thursday to roll around to give it a try!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
They're back!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
New way of looking at things...

I think I'm pretty 'Type B.' However, I tend to have very high standards for my life. Like I want everything to be perfect. Always searching for 'leaks and cracks' (as the self-help authors would say) and blowing them out of proportion.
Today I had an epiphany. If something as small as fighting with my husband about driving (I'm a scaredy cat and am always stepping on my imaginary break through curves, hills and hectic highways) is my biggest problem -- how freaking lucky am I??
With the number of people dealing with deaths, divorces, children with serious challenges, major illnesses, and crippling financial woes --- how lucky am I to have the time and luxury to needle over small things?
Now, when I find myself bothered over some minor wrinkle, I will be thankful. Thankful that my 'problem bank' is clearly so vacant that it needs to 'reach' for material.
So bring on the itty bitty issues! I'm ready with a greatful heart.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Going bananas!

So, a week and a half ago, my camera went ahead and took a little vacation without telling me. Story goes like this, it was Wednesday night, after back to school night, after a debrief with my student teacher, around 9:15 p.m., when I was preparing for the following Monday (my next teaching day). I took a few pictures of classroom storybooks and that's the last I saw of my beloved picture-taker.
I had been zipping back and forth to my desk to check what was next on Monday's lesson plans and then off to prep that part of the lesson. I thought for sure after I took the photos that I raced back to my desk and set the camera on top, or placed it inside my purse. Anyway, I didn't look for it until a few days later on Saturday, and after checking all over the classroom, home, in my car and with colleagues it still hasn't surfaced. It was a new camera so I have been just plain nauseated whenever I think of it. There is just no explanation. I was actually going a bit bananas. Even E wasn't frustrated with me, as he could see how I punished myself. We decided we should just get (another) new camera, and if the old one turns up - great - we'll have a spare.
Just when I was making peace with myself...
Today, I was racing out to go to church solo, when my remote car alarm stopped working (again). I raced upstairs to switch keys with E, and then was on my way. Later at home, we divvied up our errands and decided to switch cars, and so I was given another pair of keys. Do you see where this is going?
After dinner, E decides to replace the battery on my key's remote alarm. He can't find 'em. Sighing, I push back my chair. I'm certain they are in my purse. Nope! I start searching though the house, first casually, then wildly. Not again! I had not touched them since the morning church episode. What could have happened? I even go through the recycling outside. Finally, I check in E's car which I had been driving. Hallelujah. There they are in the cubby between seats. (Why were they out? Think I must have subconsciously taken them out as I approached my car, and then tossed them in the cubby - instead of purse - when not needed.)
Oh, but the story doesn't end. As I am preparing for tomorrow's work day, I decide to call my teaching partner. E is on the landline, so I reach for my good old cell phone. Hmm, strange, not in it's spot. I continue to look in back-up places. No, no, no. Yes, yes, yes, another wild goose chase ending with me calling my phone from our landline (once it was free), calling the last store I was in, etc. Finally, E races back to his car (I had already ran out there to search) and finds, yes, the phone, in the space between the passenger seat and the door.
Is there a full moon out tonight? Me thinks me need to s-l-o-w down a bit. I can be a bit careless with things like sunglasses, but not to this degree. I try and take a lesson from frustrations. I think this lesson is telling me that I need to limit my to do list (although it is very tempting to do as much as I can squeeze in) so I can stay more present of small details. Re-reading this post, I see an image of myself like a bat out of hel*, with my phone sliding out of my purse into the door. Unnecessary!
Here's to a smoother week.....
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Top reasons I'm a slacker mom lately!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So far, a great, yet exhausting year...

And I don't want to think or talk work, until I'm 'on again' next Monday.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Little 'tube therapy

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Happy Fall

Saturday, August 30, 2008
What do you think of Sarah Palin???

knowledgeable about the issues and the candidates as I'd like to be - I am working on this. Quoting Obama, I find this woman compelling. I think she was probably a smart choice for McCain (although I hear he has only met her once? Seems kind of bizarre.) Like many women (and people in general), I am looking for someone to relate to. Someone new, energetic, passionate, dynamic. Why must all the the power go to an older, white gentlemen year after year after year? Thank goodness this election the race has included some variety in gender and race.
One thing I am mulling over is how one balances being an effective parent to five children, including a special needs infant, and running for v.p. Parenting one special needs child is a full-time job in my eyes. Parenting a small brood of children is a full-time job in my eyes.
Not saying it can't be balanced, there are different ways to do things. But just
curious about it. Again, I know if it were a man with five children, including a special needs
infant, that would likely not be a consideration. Perhaps Mr. Palin is going to step up and
be full-time dad?
Anyway, congratulations to Sarah Palin on getting the nod. I'm really curious to hear others' thoughts on her and the race in general.