Yo. Doggy here. Man, I've been busy. Miss P pulled me out of her cubby yesterday (rousing me from a nap) and instead of going home I was dragged to her mother's classroom. Yuck - snails and worms had just been delivered and suddenly Miss P was all 'excited' over the "live" pets. Hmmpph! Anyway - would you believe she FORGOT ME THERE. There I was, stuck hangin' with the classroom teddy bears (I am more of a Barbie guy, but whatever). Actually, I was kind of starting to have a good time, when, whadda know - in walks Miss P's mom at 8:30 p.m. "Yep, that's right, I'm chopped liver during the day, but come bedtime suddenly everybody wants me." At least that's what I tried to say. Well, Miss P's mom certainly got her comeuppance today!!! I was again in the classroom (like, get a life lady) when Miss P's mom shook a bottle of blue paint that had a loose top. mmm hmmm. Bright. Blue. Paint. everywhere. Want the topper? After all that, she left me again in the room (albeit, only for a few minutes) and then again in P's Auntie's classroom (again just for a minute). Will those two ever learn? I finally made it to dinner and snuck in a few bites of burger, fries, and a beer. I heard something about a Pottery Barn Kids concert tomorrow. Hope I'm not left there. On second thought, I have been eyeing a certain doll....
You've arrived at my blog - thanks for stopping by! Between teaching 30 five year-olds, parenting, and generally being fabulous, I've been known to work up quite a hankering for restaurants and yummy comfort food. In the interest of my pocket book and waistline, I'm learning how to satisfy my cravings with my own culinary delights. I believe in the power of a positive attitude because life is what you make it.
I love this post!! So precious!
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