Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A shout out for gratitude

Counting your blessings, and not just at Thanksgiving, is a definite mood lifter. Studies show that it may be almost impossible to feel negative emotions while you are focused on being grateful.

Here are a couple of quick ideas:

1) Think of someone you really appreciate. Maybe it's a parent or in-law who is readily available to help with your children. Or a friend who is a good listener. Someone who inspired or taught you something. Take a few minutes and write that person a letter detailing what he or she did for you and how it has affected you. You will find pleasure both in your own description, and in the pleasure you know the other person will feel when reading it. (You might also consider reading it out loud.)

2) Play the gratitude game with your child. Very simple, passes the time while driving, waiting in line, etc., And once again, models an important practice. Simply take turns sharing back and forth things you are thankful for. (With really young children you might be doing most of the sharing. Eventually they will get the idea!) Consider child-friendly ideas, such as 'I'm thankful for tonight's yummy dinner,' or even, 'I'm thankful for pizza!' Another plus of the gratitude game is that it is just a great conversation starter. And, a way for you to learn more about your child and how he or she thinks.

These are just two ideas. Anyone have another? Share!


Sandra said...

Our family always thinks about this at Thanksgiving, but this is a wonderful thing to do every day! Thanks!

Sandra said...

Thank you for the nice comment about my family!

The Mrs. said...

These are great ideas!!!