The pictures really tell the story here. Miss P spent the majority of tonight's school Halloween carnival playing a dancing game where you walk (run) around a circle with numbers and, similar to freeze dance, stop when the music stops. Then a number is pulled and if it is yours, you win a cupcake. Initally Miss P was so moved by the music and desire to demonstrate her dancing prowess (not much for the beag bag toss, our Miss P), that she beelined from the face painting/hair streaking booth (the other fav) to the music spot. After awhile of piroutting around the circle and dramatically posing at the freeze, she was ready to pack it in. I was quite impressed, as I'm always trying to push being active. Anyway, just as she was starting to leave the game and shed her 'dancing queen' blinders, she clued in to the real objective of the activity: winning a cupcake. That girl was back on a number so fast. She played with the best of them. And damn it, if she didn't earn that cupcake finally. A half-a-sugar induced hour later, E was trying to pry her from the basketball hoop and finally carried her to the car. Aaah, I love Halloween!
My children are completely unaware there even IS a cake walk beacause I don't want them to get their costumes dirty. Mmmmm, yes I am that good of a mom. :)
I'm actually student teaching in kindergarten this year, at an elementary school in Raleigh, NC -- and I LOVE IT! We've got to crazy kiddos this year...but I'm learning to embrace it.
You've arrived at my blog - thanks for stopping by! Between teaching 30 five year-olds, parenting, and generally being fabulous, I've been known to work up quite a hankering for restaurants and yummy comfort food. In the interest of my pocket book and waistline, I'm learning how to satisfy my cravings with my own culinary delights. I believe in the power of a positive attitude because life is what you make it.
She is so, so cute.
My children are completely unaware there even IS a cake walk beacause I don't want them to get their costumes dirty.
Mmmmm, yes I am that good of a mom. :)
cupcakes often serve as my motivation in life :)
I'm actually student teaching in kindergarten this year, at an elementary school in Raleigh, NC -- and I LOVE IT! We've got to crazy kiddos this year...but I'm learning to embrace it.
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