Welcome to Happiness Week! It's no accident that this blog is named Life is what you make it. I really believe this, although sometimes I need reminders! This week I will share my various strategies for keeping a positive attitude. Why am I so passionate about this? I've always felt strongly about my outlook, but having Miss P around really solidifies this. I think, arguably, the most important thing I can teach her is how to find her own happiness (not wait for it to come find her) and how to be resilient, especially when the chips are down. Similiarly, life can't be much fun if mom is gloomy, so I work to stay 'funk-free' (most of the time.) These ideas come from books, articles, conversations, and my own (ahem) wisdom. They are not new, but perhaps something will resonate with you this time. If so, let me know!
Today's Happiness Hint: Try starting the day by setting your 'intention.' This is a great practice to share with your children. Happiness is (most of the time) a choice. Decide how you will feel that day. Will you focus on being content, finding humor, or feeling joyful? Choose how you'd like to feel and conciously make a decision to evoke that feeling throughout the day. If you find yourself straying away, or losing the feeling, remind yourself of your intention. Use music, jokes, excercise or just close your eyes and visualize something to bring the feeling back. I personally will do silly yoga poses with my daughter, make funny faces, and sing loudly. Laughter is really the best medicine. If you are home with your kids, check in with each other about your intentions. They are almost never too young to start. Even if they can't make their own yet, they will learn a lot from hearing you talk about yours.
Love this post! You are so right. Aren't you glad that you have this figured out??? Have a great day!
Love this! Glad you are doing a weekly series!!! Isn't it great! Sych good advice.
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