What a week! Remember how I was saying how much I've been enjoying being back at school?? Still am, but this week has worn me out some.
I'm enjoying the kids and actual teaching quite a bit, but lets just say there have been some 'politics' and extraneous nonsense going on, that's been a bit draining. We had Back to School Night on Wednesday night (which is my Friday, last day of the week.) I stayed until nearly 10 p.m. finishing my prep for next week. Typically, I pick up P from preschool, we are home at a decent hour for dinner, bath and bed. As soon as her lights are out, I'm back in action working from home and then showering, and doing morning prep.
Anyway, last night I came home to learn that Miss P has a bug. At least she waited until I put my ' Th/F SAHM Hat' on to fall apart. Yesterday and today we have just laid low. Actually yesterday, P was pretty significantly under the weather. However she perked up when I suggested we zip to Target to buy Barbie's new Diamond Castle movie. We zipped over shortly after they opened, grabbed the film, and stopped at Bucks on the way home to get coffee and my beloved pumpkin scone. We had a nice mellow day together.
What I find usually happens on my Thursday and Friday off, is I'm filled with huge to-do lists. I want to clean the house, run errands, plan the weekly menu, but also, have some fun quality time with Miss P. Go to the park, library, museum, or zoo. Have playdates. I am keenly aware that this is our last year at home together, and already feel disconcerted thinking about how next year I'll be ALONE on my days off - not ready for that! Still want our special time. Anyway, what usually happens is that we do our fun stuff for most of the day, and the rest of the time, I spend somewhat lazily sipping my coffee, organizing, catching up on emails and phone calls, while P watches her programs, reads or plays on her own. I'm basically recovering after 3 days of non-stop work and connecting with the outside world again. Then around 5:00 p.m. I'm hastily doing a zippy quick cleanup and throwing something together for dinner that is only a few rungs up from what's on the table on a worknight.
Today, P was feeling much better. We actually headed out to Tar-jay again for just a short outing. My daughter is such a shopper. I do enjoy a putter around Target with a coffee in hand, but this is a world class event for P. We had fun looking at the Halloween decorations for awile, then headed to what P has affectionately dubbed 'the girls' area.' She ooohed and aahhed for awhile, then turned to me and said: 'Mommy, this is the best time I've had in awile. Let's just really enjoy this magical experience together.' No lie. (Have to admit, I talk a bit like this.) Some of the 'nonsense' I mentioned earlier re-reared it's head in the form of new preschool fees and miscommunications. After a few irate yet articulate phone calls, I handled the 'bidness.' Sigh.
This weekend I hope to recoop with a little cozying up with my new book Odd Mom Out by Jane Porter, some 'bucks and a little couch time with the fam. Sometimes an under the weather kid can give you just the break you needed!
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