So, a week and a half ago, my camera went ahead and took a little vacation without telling me. Story goes like this, it was Wednesday night, after back to school night, after a debrief with my student teacher, around 9:15 p.m., when I was preparing for the following Monday (my next teaching day). I took a few pictures of classroom storybooks and that's the last I saw of my beloved picture-taker.
I had been zipping back and forth to my desk to check what was next on Monday's lesson plans and then off to prep that part of the lesson. I thought for sure after I took the photos that I raced back to my desk and set the camera on top, or placed it inside my purse. Anyway, I didn't look for it until a few days later on Saturday, and after checking all over the classroom, home, in my car and with colleagues it still hasn't surfaced. It was a new camera so I have been just plain nauseated whenever I think of it. There is just no explanation. I was actually going a bit bananas. Even E wasn't frustrated with me, as he could see how I punished myself. We decided we should just get (another) new camera, and if the old one turns up - great - we'll have a spare.
Just when I was making peace with myself...
Today, I was racing out to go to church solo, when my remote car alarm stopped working (again). I raced upstairs to switch keys with E, and then was on my way. Later at home, we divvied up our errands and decided to switch cars, and so I was given another pair of keys. Do you see where this is going?
After dinner, E decides to replace the battery on my key's remote alarm. He can't find 'em. Sighing, I push back my chair. I'm certain they are in my purse. Nope! I start searching though the house, first casually, then wildly. Not again! I had not touched them since the morning church episode. What could have happened? I even go through the recycling outside. Finally, I check in E's car which I had been driving. Hallelujah. There they are in the cubby between seats. (Why were they out? Think I must have subconsciously taken them out as I approached my car, and then tossed them in the cubby - instead of purse - when not needed.)
Oh, but the story doesn't end. As I am preparing for tomorrow's work day, I decide to call my teaching partner. E is on the landline, so I reach for my good old cell phone. Hmm, strange, not in it's spot. I continue to look in back-up places. No, no, no. Yes, yes, yes, another wild goose chase ending with me calling my phone from our landline (once it was free), calling the last store I was in, etc. Finally, E races back to his car (I had already ran out there to search) and finds, yes, the phone, in the space between the passenger seat and the door.
Is there a full moon out tonight? Me thinks me need to s-l-o-w down a bit. I can be a bit careless with things like sunglasses, but not to this degree. I try and take a lesson from frustrations. I think this lesson is telling me that I need to limit my to do list (although it is very tempting to do as much as I can squeeze in) so I can stay more present of small details. Re-reading this post, I see an image of myself like a bat out of hel*, with my phone sliding out of my purse into the door. Unnecessary!
Here's to a smoother week.....
I could totally write this blog entry. In fact, after 11 years of marriage my husband just puts my keys on the rack when he finds them in random places (rather than a lecture, which will get him NOWHERE fast).
I do this all the time! I want to help you look for the camera... things like that drive me CRAZY!!! I know you think you've already looked everywhere BUT, when you have a moment, go back to your classroom and physically "take" the pictures you remember taking. I bet the camera is underneath a book or hiding on top of a bookshelf or in a drawer... I bet you'll find it soon!
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