Lessons learned this week...
blogging is fun.
lunch is fun.
blogging about making school lunches....not so fun (or interesting).
muffins are yummy!
You never know when a surprise around the corner is coming.....
surprise #1: Yesterday after sending my kidlings (students) home with their report cards, and reading miss p's, I just felt so done. Ed was at school picking up Paige to take her on a playdate. I looked around the classroom. Everything was ready for Monday. However, there was a pile or two or three that really needed sorting/organizing/putting away. What to do? Nose to the grindstone? Or spontaneous afternoon date?
Well, I threw caution to the wind and after dropping Miss P at her soccer pal's house, Ed and I poked around downtown Sunnyvle and I caffeinated. (Not that it helped - I was asleep at 8:30. Fell asleep during our family viewing of this week's Biggest Loser. Unheard of.) Ed was very excited about the spontaneous date today. The piles will wait, I guess.
Surpise #2 - today as we were lounging around before attending an American Girl Fashion Show including my niece, I got a call from my mil. A model is sick. Can Paige be in the show too? Can she? We are very excited and primping as I speak (type). Ed is too. He can't wait for us to leave for hours.
Do surprises come in #3's? I hope so.