It's Pink Friday! Pink Friday signifies the deadline for public schools in CA to issue pink slips to teachers. I believe 26,000 have been given out so far, due to the horrible budget crisis and economy. I received one of these years ago, and fortunately, it was rescinded before the year was over. Thankfully, our district voted to not issue any pink slips this year and to find other ways to cut the budget - our district is great and we are lucky. But, in general, the funding in CA for education is pitiful! We are ranked 50th!!! Something has to be done. Our schools can't afford to make classes bigger, and to cut art, music and PE. We can't afford to reduce teacher salaries. It's a little late in the day - but wear pink if you can, and think about or speak up for a teacher!
You've arrived at my blog - thanks for stopping by! Between teaching 30 five year-olds, parenting, and generally being fabulous, I've been known to work up quite a hankering for restaurants and yummy comfort food. In the interest of my pocket book and waistline, I'm learning how to satisfy my cravings with my own culinary delights. I believe in the power of a positive attitude because life is what you make it.
Maybe they will just give them to all non-tenured teachers and then rehire them. . . That is terrible -26,000!
Although, the color choice for the day was amusing as I was watching Drew pick out his shirt. :)
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