Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Top of the mornin' to ya! I always like to incorporate St. Patrick's Day into the classroom. I've done 'leprechaun traps' before, but never found quite the right concoction of materials.

Last year, my teaching partner was in charge of setting them up, and didn't like the concept of 'trapping.' So we came up with the idea of 'leprechaun lures.' Similar to a trap, but more focused on enticing the little elves and persuading them to leave a coin or two.

This year, I went even more simple and 'humane,' with my leprechaun 'tip cup.' We made these with our 4th grade big buddies. I told a legend of how the leprechauns love to come and play all night in the classrooms. They then sometimes leave a token of appreciation in rooms where they had a lot of fun. I told the class if we made little 'tip cups,' similar to what you see at Coldstone, they'd be more likely to benefit. So that's what we did. I messed up the classroom later in the afternoon, and will arrive at school late tomorrow, shocked to see the craziness before me.

At home I tried a similar story with P, telling her that leprechauns might scurry through the house playing with her toys after midnight (official St. Patrick's Day), and we might make and leave out a 'tip jar,' for them to compensate us. My weary body pulled out some toys and tried to create a fun scene. I also got some Lucky Charms for breakfast. Hope she likes it!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Man, now we even have to tip the Leprechauns, although I guess they're tipping us.
You know, I just realized what P's real name is. And guess who's at the top of our list. Although, the list is long and un-ending, and sometimes is veered from after we have the wee one.
Your staycation sounds devine.