Friday, August 6, 2010

summers end = laziness

A friend recently had a great facebook quote:

Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. - Sam Keen.

I am already back in work mode preparing for school. But...yesterday, we had Miss P's 6th birthday party. More on that later. After entertaining 10 children (+ P) for four hours (after my traditional crazy rush to get everything ready the night before/day of) and then cleaning up, I was quite tired today. (Oh, add in a yucky fight with husband before party prep. bleh!) Anyway, despite, a need to get in gear, I announced some veg out time. And I'm enjoying it dearly!!

I started last night with a Pizza My Heart dinner - yum. Once we got home, I settled in for a double header - DC Housewives and season finale of Bethanny's Getting Married. Love! I enjoyed DC Housewives. Stacie is my early fav - she is the most down to Earth housewife they've ever had. Her house even looks normal - like someone I know might live there. : ) Jury is still out on Mary, but so far I'm liking her too. Bethenny Getting Married was a fantastic final episode. She is so hilarious and her husband is uber-likeable.

Today, I dedicated myself to hanging out with Miss P. The 'domestic dispute' we had the other night was I think in part to my family's reaction to me gearing back up at work again. After buying P a pack of play-doh on Tuesday (24 colors - $8 at Target), and promising we'd play (we've been designing cakes, a la Cake Boss), I found this note at night scrawled in orange crayon. Side 1: Mommy, I hope hope we play play doh like you said. (we didn't) Side 2: Dear Mom, we have no food. Love, Paige. Today, we played with all of her birthday toys, read, did some crafts, and worked on her thank you notes. This afternoon was awesome! I *encouraged* her to come outside (she'd rather play in the cool house, thank you very much). We filled a tub with water and played games where we took turns climbing in and performing dares,like jumping, spinning around, and yelling things like "I love summer!" E accompanied us, by sitting in the shade with his book. After some other games, we filled our water shooters up and hit targets all over our park. P *may* have accidentally been hit by my shooter a few times.....what can I say, I don't have very good aim. : ) Tonight, we are meeting friends for dinner. Ahhhh.....long live the final lazy days of summer...

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I think it's just hard to go from such freedom and then back to the grind. I blame that for a lot of my little "funk"...
I don't think I can watch the DC housewives, maybe if they'd kick off that Salahi lady...