Saturday is E and my 10-year! Right about this time, ten years ago, we were boarding a plane for Hawaii with our family and friends. Preparing to take the plunge, as we did, in an open air ballroom on Kaanapali beach in Maui.
We had toyed with traveling to Maui, with Miss P in tow, for a week this year to commemorate the occasion. But timing wasn't right (and neither were our funds!) So instead we will be zipping out here.
We leave tomorrow afternoon and will come back on Sunday. Not a bad second choice!!
On the marriage topic, I am a fan of Tori and Dean's Home Sweet Hollywood.
This season is all about how they are balancing parenthood and careers, as their whirlwind romance -- meeting, getting married, and having two kids in, owning a b and b, relocating, moving twice, and balancing their various projects -- catches up with them. They are starting to turn into more of - what looks like to me - a typical couple. She feels like he corrects her too often. He feels like she is distracted and tired. They are still overall sweet and loving to each other. But they definitely have moments of strife. They are both separately saddened by this. They feel that they are so disconnected compared to their early days. They are eager to do something about it.
This was a wake-up call to me. I watched them and thought - that looks like me and E. Sweet some of the time, but bickering sometimes too. You're probably thinking, yes, that's normal life. And I agree. However, I know, I could be doing a lot more to make our relationship better. I don't really feel like I put that much effort or work into our marriage at all. I naturally want to spend time together, listen, and am kind, but I don't really push myself to be the best wife I can. My list of goals used to say, 'Be the best mom I can be,' but only 'be a pretty good wife.' I work really hard at being a mom, but not at being a wife.
I recently read something some marriage advice on a blog to a newly married couple. It basically said, 'don't stop doing cute things - leaving notes and making his favorite treats.' I'm going to try and take this advice. I began last night. I told E I would be coming home late from work, and instead ran to the mall in search of some cute nightgown/pj's for the trip. After a frustrating experience, I finally found two things at Nordy's that I was excited about. Let the romance begin!
1 comment:
Yeesh! This should have been entitled TMI, at least the last part. BUT, I agree. We all get into ruts of jobs and kids and houses... I try to remember he's my #1... but I must admit I'm sure he often feels like #10.
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