Ohhh, we had the best time on Miss P's 5th birthday! Her actual birthday was the second day of kindergarten, so it was a bit of a blur, but we decorated the breakfast table with balloons and made waffles, my mom took her out to lunch and shopping, and we ended the day with gift opening and playing. So all in all, a special day.
The main event - her Pinkalicious party - was last Saturday. Read about some of the planning here and here. I fretted a bit last week about our guest list, and made a bunch of modifications, and it turned out awesome! It was the first birthday party she really, really enjoyed I think. I had a bit of an epiphany about her as well.
P really likes structured activities and is kind of a different kid in those situations. I've gotten letters in the past from parents about their kindergarten student that have told me how much their child is more comfortable in structured 'tell me what to do' situations, as opposed to free play. I was always a bit mystified by that. Don't all kids want free range time? But that is the sort of girl P is too. When I've volunteered in Sunday School and preschool, P is always raising her hand, and is quite involved. Her kindergarten teacher told me that she is behaving the same way now. However, at recess, when everyone just runs out and starts playing, she kind of hangs back, looks around, and is quiet and tentative. I so want her to be more bold, outgoing, and leader-like. Yet, I know we have to accept our kids in their full package. I know she'll eventually warm up and become more comfortable. (I hope. I think we are going to have to have some major monkey bar lessons.) Anyway, I think the reason why she liked the cooking party so much was its structure. Something was being taught. Someone was structuring the activity. In that environment, I had to shush her a few times (during the story reading) because she was so animated. I saw a few kids at times look slightly bored, which I felt a little bad about, but then remembered that the 'Pump it Up' type parties aren't really P's speed either, but we always go and are enthusiastic.
P's favorite part of the party was the karaoke. She loves to sing! So do I - her dad and I did a little spontaneous duet which garnered some applause.
Final words on P turning 5 -- we had her five year old well check-up a few weeks before, and I have to say, I felt so proud! P is very healthy inside and out and is right where she should be. I can't help but feel like I am a big part of that!