Some years I've made multiple baskets, not only for Miss P, but for little friends and cousins. Two years ago I made a basket for E that included his favorite microbrew from college (which they had recently started carrying at BevMo), and even one for myself that was 'book' themed. However, Paige's basket is clearly my main act.
I try to buy things for P that I think are useful or fall under the category of 'Imighthaveboughtforheranyway,' instead of just a bunch of candy or other junk. I have a lot of fun trying to find things that I think match her interests or will tickle her fancy, and aren't too expensive. Here is a break-down of this year's basket:
This cute little top on sale at gymboree - all knit tops on sale (you're welcome, gymboree). Are you getting your glasses out? My photo did not turn out. It has a dog on it - her fave - and a flower basket. I also got a few hair accessories. Guess what - they fit perfectly in plastic eggs!

I used my 40% off coupon to get a smash jornal. Have you heard of those? It's actually like a journal/scrapbook/anything book. I actually can't decide whether to keep it, or give it to P. I'm actually thinking I'll get a second for myself and we can doodle it in together over Spring Break. Paige is happiest with a pen and notebook. (Well, she's happiest having a playdate but this is a close second!)

Rounding out the basket is a fun (and g-rated) Truth or Dare type card game with dares like 'pretend the person on your left is a baby and burp them,' and truth ?'s like, 'what is the longest you've gone without taking a shower?' I can imagine P's laughter at these! I also included a slumber party mad-lib pad, and a peg board game with bunnies and dice. It can easily slip into a bag and travel to a restaurant.
Now it's your turn! Get ahead of the game and sort out your basket(s). Then take a photo, detail your findings, and link up here by Saturday. I will randomly select one winner to receive a $20 Pier 1 gift card.
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