Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Latest Read

Over Christmas vacation I read a bunch, inhaling books and magazines like water. In addition to this book, I read and LOVED When Did I Get Like This? so much that I bought it for a couple of girlfriends. I love memoirs and it is laugh out loud HILARIOUS. I highly recommend it.

A movie that did not get good reviews, but that I am anxious to see on direct TV is 'I Don't Know How She Does it.' I read the book and loved it of course. Even if the movie is a little silly I'm thinking I might get a laugh. While my job isn't in a male-oriented dog-eat-dog (or as Gloria would say 'Doggy dog) world, there is still plenty to relate to. Mom power! : )

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I pretty well think this all the time...