Happy news this week! Biggest loser sisters - whom I adore - Hannah and Olivia made the final four, and then the two top spots. Who will be the ultimate biggest loser? Good chance it might be one of these girls in purple! Both (actually all three girls pictured) lost about or over 100 pounds in their five month stint on the show. Hannah and Olivia are such sources of comic relief and so sweet that they have been my favorites of all-time.
The second happy - Open House was a huge success! I didn't get pics of the good stuff - don't know why - like their memory books. The big highlight was the play we perform - The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I am so proud of that.
(some of that crap could have come off the counters.) : )
It was a great, happy night. Now I all I have to do is finish assessing reading and math, enter all the score into the computer and on paper, do report cards, place classes for two grade levels, organize the kids' work samples into evidence portfolios, help facilitate our bbq and end of year concert, make concert decorations with kids, make kindergarten graduation certificates, do my student teacher's assessment, and close down my room for summer cleaning.
In the next two weeks. My student teacher has two days of solo teaching so I am going to get as much done today and tomorrow (testing) as possible! Bring on the coffee and go me! : )
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