So I actually waited until the very last day of January to make my 2010 resolution public! (Saying this, I am assuming/pretending there are people actually reading this blog!) :) Anyway, I have made a couple of loose goals this year, but my main one is to become a good cook! Since I know goals have to be 'measurable', I have made a list of about 12 cooking accomplishments that I will take on in 2010. January's is/was to make dinner 5 nights a week. (Since we moved in early November and throughout the holidays we ate out A LOT.) I met my goal this month, making shrimp along with various chicken and pasta dishes - last night a broccoli salad - along with my usual fare of tacos and chili, and yes more pasta. Felt pretty good. I'll continue this goal the rest of the year, adding other challenges each month. Here are the others, in no particular order:
*Find at least one good slow-cooker meal
*Experiment with table settings and throw a dinner party
*Create better routines for cleaning out fridge, planning meals and going to grocery store.
*After we move (again), set up an organized kitchen
*Find a cooking mentor
* Find at least one yummy new lunch that contains lots of protein
* Learn at least 2 healthy, tasty cook-ahead breakfasts
* Learn 3 new meat -based recipes
*Learn best way to chop various veggies
*Experiment with making bento lunches for P
If you count, you'll notice there are only 10. I have a longer list of 'possibilities,' but couldn't decide on the final one. I'd also like to leave a little room to just see what comes my way. I believe February's goal will be to find some new lunches that provide some good protein, as I usually go a starchy path. In general, I'm trying to be healthier, try new foods, and increase my veggies, all while trying to be more domestic and take care of my family.
Bon appetit! I'm off to read my new book and nurse some cramps. (ow)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
People have talked a lot about the past decade leading up to 2010 being terrible for America. However, for me, it was quite eventful in a mostly positive way. Definitely the most eventful of my 30 (ahem)+ years. During this decade, I:
got married to E
quit my corporate job went back to school for my teaching credential
started teaching kindergarten
had some 'adjusting' to being married
stress of new job caused literal twenty pound weight loss in 3 months
(no worries, weight eventually came back)
learned to ski
moved to teacher apartment complex
settled in to being married and fell more in love with E
supported E as he pursued teaching also and became high school teacher
ran a marathon
had a baby, Miss P
Miss P hospitalized after four days due to freak illness, breastfeeding doesn't work, rocky start to motherhood
suffered and recovered from post-partum depression
joined Las Madres, and eventually became co-director of my playgroup
really started feeling like and l-o-v-i-n-g being a mom
reduced my teaching schedule to part-time hours, had many job-shares
made many new friends
became a big sister, aunt, and godmother
was twice a bridesmaid and gained new sister-in-laws
bought first home
major fallout with relatives
marriage grew stronger
sent miss p off to preschool
loved blissful Thursdays and Fridays at home with my three, then four year old and our friends. Coffee, then the park, the zoo, the library or a playdate. Was the life. A unique, treasured period of time.
went back to work full-time
sold first home and purchased second home
And of course there are things that I'm sure I'm leaving out! I don't know what is in store yet for this next decade, but I'm planning for 2010 to be a year of (small) celebrations. Next up is a post of resolutions. Hey, it's still January after all!
got married to E
quit my corporate job went back to school for my teaching credential
started teaching kindergarten
had some 'adjusting' to being married
stress of new job caused literal twenty pound weight loss in 3 months
(no worries, weight eventually came back)
learned to ski
moved to teacher apartment complex
settled in to being married and fell more in love with E
supported E as he pursued teaching also and became high school teacher
ran a marathon
had a baby, Miss P
Miss P hospitalized after four days due to freak illness, breastfeeding doesn't work, rocky start to motherhood
suffered and recovered from post-partum depression
joined Las Madres, and eventually became co-director of my playgroup
really started feeling like and l-o-v-i-n-g being a mom
reduced my teaching schedule to part-time hours, had many job-shares
made many new friends
became a big sister, aunt, and godmother
was twice a bridesmaid and gained new sister-in-laws
bought first home
major fallout with relatives
marriage grew stronger
sent miss p off to preschool
loved blissful Thursdays and Fridays at home with my three, then four year old and our friends. Coffee, then the park, the zoo, the library or a playdate. Was the life. A unique, treasured period of time.
went back to work full-time
sold first home and purchased second home
And of course there are things that I'm sure I'm leaving out! I don't know what is in store yet for this next decade, but I'm planning for 2010 to be a year of (small) celebrations. Next up is a post of resolutions. Hey, it's still January after all!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Bit better

On a fun note, I've had some nights out recently! We had a girlfriend night to see the cute and predictable Leap Year (I never mind a predictable movie if I know it is going to be fun and happy!) Then last night E and I tried to be cool and went to Straits for drinks, apps, and dancing. Shortly after sitting down in the 'lounge' area, E spotted Andre Carter of the Washington Redskins. The Redskins are E's favorite team. He's loved them since he was a kid in the 80's, and for his 40th birthday wants to go to Wash to see them play. Anyway "Andre" was chilling with his wife, enjoying some appetizers right across from us. E introduced himself and we even got a picture of the two of them. He and his wife were very friendly. I think they live in Santana Row in the off season. The Row, incidentally, is a great place to see sports figures. My girlfriend has actually spotted Andre before at Club One, and during hockey season, teams playing the Sharks, stay at the Hotel Valencia and can be seen hanging out at Starbucks. Close as we can get here to celebrities!!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Allow me to vent, won't you??
I'm planning a post about my new year's goals, which I'm quite excited about. Tonight, however, please, allow me to vent and maybe even feel a bit sorry for myself. Then, maybe I'll feel more at peace.
I've noticed lately that I feel somewhat discouraged. I have such high hopes for this next year, and soooo many areas in which I feel I need to improve. Yet, I feel like I'm forever one step forward, two steps back.
Recently, I lamented to E: 'my life is hard! I need a pick-me-up daily' (in reference to my starbucks habit). Now, I feel like its a little silly to call my life hard -- after all, I have a job, a home, and a husband. Three important things that many people lack. Today, though, I am in worry for my job.
I started the year with my 20 students - including 2 autistic (1 identified and challenging but 'mainstream-able,' 1 not-identified and very difficult). I spent the first portion of the year working to get help for the unidentified student. I somehow managed to get him an aide, testing, etc., and he is now in the special day class. On the heels of that issue being solved, came the next whammy. The school board voted to increase class sizes for next year. That in itself - sucks. Up to 30 kids, with no aide, and still the same high standards. In the past, we were able to do it in a staggered session, so we had chunks of time with just 15 in order to do the 'heavy lifting' academics. Now, people are talking about doing away with that and having all 30, all day. (Again, no aide, same rigorous standards). We are meeting on this Thursday afternoon.
But this isn't the bad part. This morning as I'm brushing my teeth, I realize that my position may not be safe. Currently kindergarten through third grade classes each have about 5 classes. If we go to a full 30 kids (there is a chance we might only have to rise to 25ish), that means only 3 classes per grade. Which means of course losing 2 teachers per grade, or 8 people(!). Now, while in my own grade level I have the third most seniority of the 5 (which I thought would make me safe), in first grade, for instance, 4 out of the 5 teachers have more seniority, than me. Same thing in 2nd grade. I have 9 years at our school, but our school is one where staff are generally really happy and want to stay, and the avg person has about 12 years.
This will be the most drastic layoff situation since the 1970's supposedly. It is unknown how the 'shifting' will take place. Whether anyone with more seniority than me will be able to 'bump' me from my k position, is unknown. I am guaranteed a job. I'm sure that I'd even be able to stay at my school (by bumping someone else). But should I bump one of the awesome 4th or 5th grade teachers, just because I have more seniority than they do? When I've never taught those grades before and would have to start from ground zero? It is important to me to stay in kindergarten. Complicating the situation is Miss P. She is at school with me, which is one way I've made being a working parent, work. Do I take her with me from school to school? What if I move schools again before she's graduated 5th? Our local school isn't really up to par, and even if it was, I'd have to drop her at 7:30 and probably not pick her up until at least 4:00, with no idea of what happened at her school that day. It isn't part of my value system to have that kind of set-up.
I'm going to try and chill out a bit until I know more details. Breathe in, breathe out.
I've noticed lately that I feel somewhat discouraged. I have such high hopes for this next year, and soooo many areas in which I feel I need to improve. Yet, I feel like I'm forever one step forward, two steps back.
Recently, I lamented to E: 'my life is hard! I need a pick-me-up daily' (in reference to my starbucks habit). Now, I feel like its a little silly to call my life hard -- after all, I have a job, a home, and a husband. Three important things that many people lack. Today, though, I am in worry for my job.
I started the year with my 20 students - including 2 autistic (1 identified and challenging but 'mainstream-able,' 1 not-identified and very difficult). I spent the first portion of the year working to get help for the unidentified student. I somehow managed to get him an aide, testing, etc., and he is now in the special day class. On the heels of that issue being solved, came the next whammy. The school board voted to increase class sizes for next year. That in itself - sucks. Up to 30 kids, with no aide, and still the same high standards. In the past, we were able to do it in a staggered session, so we had chunks of time with just 15 in order to do the 'heavy lifting' academics. Now, people are talking about doing away with that and having all 30, all day. (Again, no aide, same rigorous standards). We are meeting on this Thursday afternoon.
But this isn't the bad part. This morning as I'm brushing my teeth, I realize that my position may not be safe. Currently kindergarten through third grade classes each have about 5 classes. If we go to a full 30 kids (there is a chance we might only have to rise to 25ish), that means only 3 classes per grade. Which means of course losing 2 teachers per grade, or 8 people(!). Now, while in my own grade level I have the third most seniority of the 5 (which I thought would make me safe), in first grade, for instance, 4 out of the 5 teachers have more seniority, than me. Same thing in 2nd grade. I have 9 years at our school, but our school is one where staff are generally really happy and want to stay, and the avg person has about 12 years.
This will be the most drastic layoff situation since the 1970's supposedly. It is unknown how the 'shifting' will take place. Whether anyone with more seniority than me will be able to 'bump' me from my k position, is unknown. I am guaranteed a job. I'm sure that I'd even be able to stay at my school (by bumping someone else). But should I bump one of the awesome 4th or 5th grade teachers, just because I have more seniority than they do? When I've never taught those grades before and would have to start from ground zero? It is important to me to stay in kindergarten. Complicating the situation is Miss P. She is at school with me, which is one way I've made being a working parent, work. Do I take her with me from school to school? What if I move schools again before she's graduated 5th? Our local school isn't really up to par, and even if it was, I'd have to drop her at 7:30 and probably not pick her up until at least 4:00, with no idea of what happened at her school that day. It isn't part of my value system to have that kind of set-up.
I'm going to try and chill out a bit until I know more details. Breathe in, breathe out.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
what is the world coming to???

I came home the other night to this picture quickly drawn by Miss P. Recognize these folks? I didn't think so. They would be Tiger and Elin Woods, as copied from my latest US Magazine cover (not the one below, a more recent version, with Tiger sporting a blue baseball cap). Not sure if I'm more disturbed by the subjects, or the fact that both of them are missing body parts. (Arms? Hello!) C'mon, P, do your best. Anyway, I had to laugh!
What's next???

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Merry Christmas!

Finally doing the Christmas wrap-up! One of Miss P's big 'santa' gifts was the Karaoke player/boom box/CD player above. She l-o-v-e-s to sing and 'entertained' everyone with her Disney princess Christmas CD the rest of the trip.
Below is a stocking find - dis princess lip gloss. I wouldn't have gone there, but, hey, it was Santa!

With birthday twin Cousin ACR next to our little tree. ACR was 16 months on Christmas Day, Miss P - 5 years and 4 months.

The climb back up the hill was not always fun!

And back up the hill we went.

We had a blast on New Year's as well. By then we were back home and we hosted a little party with two other families. Food was yum (apps and fondue), kids behaved (old enough to all be in a big 'coloring phase' - they made some cute resolutions. Our friend B said he wants to 'learn to juggle.' Paige initially said "I resolve to learn NOTHING!" I don't know if I admire her rebelliousness, her contentedness with herself, or if I'm frustrated with her lack of drive, but that was what she came up with, and she was sticking to it! She later said that she, 'resolves to have more play-dates in 2010.' Are you getting a good picture of her here? :) ) Anyway, I'm excited with my resolutions for 2010 and will post those next!

Christmas Eve

We spent the first evening settling in, and my sister-in-law, the cook, got P busy attempting to squeeze enough oranges to make juice. Poor kitchen-deprived P loved the activity (more on the kitchen stuff in my resolutions post.)

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