Thursday, March 18, 2010

Last chance workout!!!!!!

We had a fun St. Patrick's Day. My class made traps on Tuesday and loved it. Sadly, the leprechauns escaped, but they left behind some gold! My afternoon was spent having quality time with my report cards. After multiple interruptions (final leprechaun cleanup, meetings, getting things ready for tomorrow), I closed up shop at 5:00ish to get together with our friends to celebrate one couple's nine year wedding anniversary. I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks, so it was so nice to get together and connect. My r.c.'s suffered though. I came home, put the miss to bed, did a bit more work - had to stop for Modern Family, and after that, all bets were off. My eyes just shut. (With our new set-up, the office is far away, with no t.v., so I cannot multi-task. In the past, I would have watched and worked.) Anyway, report cards go home tomorrow (I've never been finishing them at the last minute! Hopefully there aren't any computer/printer issues at school today!). So this afternoon will be last chance workout! last chance workout!! For all you biggest loser fans!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Oh Man Jen, you are one busy girl. I hope it all works out. I'm the queen of last minute computer issues.