Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mom down

Fridays lately have been kicking my behind. 
Transitioning my 30 kinders to full day and boot camping into rituals, routines and all the curricululum....and trying to do an awesome voice is done.

And teaching+momming has temporarily worn me down, Friday being one of the more challenging days. Here's an example schedule:

1. Once we are up and ready, Paige, Cooper and I make our first stop of the day at Starbucks, getting drinks for me and my friend S.

2. Stop 2 is at S's house, where Cooper has a Friday playdate with S's dog. 

3. School/work.

4. Teach from 8:20 - 2:10, with one 30ish minute break.

5. After school, collect P and friend(s), they hang out and play in my classroom, while I wrap things up. If I don't finish in time, stuff goes home (who am I kidding, something always goes home), and possibly return over the weekend.  

6. Pack up girls in the car and head to p/u Cooper. Transition girls/Cooper from friends' house to home. School is a good 20 minutes away.

7. Set up girls' snack and oversee playdate , clean up, etc.

8. Take friend(s) home. Another 20-30 minutes back.

9. (optional)Additional stop that comes up, some errand that has to be done right then - last night it was a trip to Grandma's house.

Now, I know for my friends out there with multiple kids, at multiple schools and sports and activities, this doesn't sound too bad. But for me, I am a mom done.  It doesn't help that P and E drive me crazy, by chatting and lingering at each spot, when all I want to do is go home and collapse on the couch with House Hunters.

Today, though, I've been given a treat. A break. A day off. I've packed up  E and Miss P and sent them to the Stanford/USC game with friends. I am doing the following:

1. blogging

2. going for a walk/run with Mr. Cooper.

3. shopping for tonight's party.

4. reading at home outside.

5. showering and getting ready for girlfriend's party.

6. pre-party with friends?

7. 7:00 p.m. - party time. Theme is 'Favorite things.' Bring your favorite $25 item for a yankee swap! 

The universe must have known what I needed. I wish you a break this weekend as well! Hope to back soon with some Fall inspiration....

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