Thanksgiving vacation has commenced and I'm ready to make the most out of it! Last night a friend and I went to see The Blind Side. Awesome!
This morning, we are hosting a playdate. (You know you are falling down on the job, when multiple friends of your child ask you, when can we come to your house)! I plan to likely work on report cards with a Starbucks while the two girls gallivant around the house. At 1:00, we meet E for the frame walk of our new house. I'm hoping to squeeze in a run late afternoon, and then we host another playdate tonight so that our friends can have a date night.
Tomorrow for Thanksgiving we are going to relax like crazy, go for a walk, and then go live it up for dinner here.
I so need the time off. To re-organize our eating habits and routines after fall-out from the move, to do report cards, enjoy some family time, and just find some balance. I'm also looking for some quiet time to just be thankful and contemplate life.
It's a beautiful, warm afternoon. Miss P has been giggling with her friends (who we are now across the street from!) for the last 4 hours. They haven't argued, complained, or even needed anything (they rarely/never do). Today we set up some shelves in the kitchen and some play tents and a basketball hoop in the backyard. Every day this little house gets a bit more functional, comfortable, and cute.
The feel here is so small-town, old-fashioned. Kids running back and forth across the street, playing at each others houses. The mailman has introduced himself to me, and asked my preferences on delivery. The neighbor next door has already been over a bunch, offering help, and saying 'hi.' This is what I've always wanted. It's bittersweet as we will be moving in about 100 days. I'm wondering about our new neighbors. From what I hear, there is a Stanford swim coach and former Olympian, a scientist, another teacher couple with a new baby, and a family with eight year old twin girls. Sounds interesting, but you don't get the same kind of feel in a new neighborhood.
I've had to come to terms with the fact that there is a lot of great things about the new house, and that we will enjoy it a bunch too. And someday, perhaps, we'll move back to this neighborhood. Meanwhile, we are heading across the street for dinner in a few minutes - spaghetti with homemade meatballs - hel-lo.
Where have I been? Moving! We've spent the last week making the first of two moves for our little family. It took us 6 days to get everything out of our condo, get it professionally cleaned, and carpets steamed. Meanwhile, we are in a cute little rental house, across the street from our good friends which is very fun. However, the house hadn't really been lived in for a long time, so there is no garbage disposal or dishwasher. The washer dryer hookups needed 'tweaking', as did cable hookups, the shower didn't work, and the toilet was questionable at best. In the past week, we've handled those charming details (except for the kitchen, which we'll just live with). Whew! In early March, we'll move to our new house.
I'm so glad to be out of our condo. There were some nice things about it, but it definitely wasn't the right home for us. We were on the second floor, and did not have any 'green space.' I'm sure no one reading has ever been in that situation with a child, but the affect it has on your quality of life it pretty wild. There's nothing like being able to send your child outside to just run and play. It kind of just trumps everything.
Work has been crazy, so there hasn't been much of a chance to breathe, and probably won't be until Thanksgiving. I have not been taking care of myself, and it shows, so my plan this weekend is to relax and catch up on things. I actually would love to stay in my pajamas both days! I'm planning to kick up the workouts and healthy eating as well. I'm in need of a cleanse!
You've arrived at my blog - thanks for stopping by! Between teaching 30 five year-olds, parenting, and generally being fabulous, I've been known to work up quite a hankering for restaurants and yummy comfort food. In the interest of my pocket book and waistline, I'm learning how to satisfy my cravings with my own culinary delights. I believe in the power of a positive attitude because life is what you make it.