Miss P, watching you grow and evolve has been the most amazing experience of my life. Over the summer, at 6 3/4, your social calendar was intense, with multiple playdates and activities every week with your girlfriends. You have just learned to swim independently and loved being in the pool all summer. You are spreading your wings, learning to play soccer and showing interest in gymnastics. And you are reading whenever you can! Rainbow fairy chapter books, Ramona books, and American Girl stories are your favorites. You are so done with princesses. You love collecting things, and playing with small toys, like Littlest Pet Shops, Zoobles and Squinkies. You are really developing a sense of humor, and are always trying to come up with jokes. Most of them make no sense, but lately you are really learning to play with words. Like, 'that desert table is deserted!' You still love Doggie to pieces. Literally. And even as you are changing and growing, you are still so loving and affectionate. I'm so lucky I get to participate in your life!
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